Wallet Balance: 0
Kill Rights: 0
Jump Clones: 0
Location: Dodixie IX
Wallet Balance: 0
Kill Rights: 0
Jump Clones: 0
Location: Dodixie IX
Going ^
Going ^
Reminder to acknowledge char been sold.
You need to ack with Chaos.
Oh I need to post from Chaos Acc?
Atleast confirm… with that char… you are for sell
Did Thank you.
46b Offer
You actually need to create the topic with the char being sold, plus you are missing other disclosures per ccp rules.
Cannot. Way too low. Especially since I have to pay for transfer.
I edited the post. I hope that’s all is needed. I have no intention to mislead.
you may think it is to low… remember… your selling and choice to accept the transfer fee… GL
It’s not. The character being sold has to create the sale thread.
Before posting, please be aware that any sales threads posted by characters that are not the character being sold will be locked and/or deleted.
What do u mean by “your selling and choice to accept the transfer fee”?
OK… Good to know. I will keep that in mind. So I should close this one and repost?
As highlighted in this thread, the character for sale must be the same as the seller, therefore this will be closed and a new thread will need to be raised by the OP.
Happy Holidays o7
ISD Bahamut