WTS 82 765 228 SP Hulk/Stormbringer/Marauder pilot

WTS Kit Allen per Kit Allen Board - Quantum Anomaly

Max skilled Hulk/ Stormbringer pilot for that healthy dose of isk!

Good shield, armour and drone skills, yet could do with some final touches. (help finalise those with the 775,908 SP unallocated)

Almost a perfect score in Planetary Management for that ongoing passive isk while she trains forward.

Exhumers /Stormbringer /Marauders skill sits at 5!

(can fly 33 battleship class hulls, almost every hauler race, 20 battlecruiser races. and almost every destroyer, such a versatile character!) Currently has a highwall mining plug in mx-1005 for that extra 5% yield!

positive isk wallet and currently hibernating in OGY-6D Querious with Jump clones installed in Jita, Torrinos and IGE-NE, Querious.

Lets say 78 billion?

No kill rights (only a slightly argumentative personality). Such a pocket rocket and great all round character.

great all rounder…still selling

Any dread skills yet?

Actually this is a good indy toon, i can do 78.

no dread skills and yes, I’ll take 78 bill

Sounds good, sending shortly

I’m AU TZ so will be logging shortly. Please mail Kit with the new account details and send her the isk. I’ll facilitate the transfer asap after next log on

No problem, im liquidating atm.

Please keep me appraised of your progress @Zenith_Grimm. I will be leaving this open incase someone chooses to out-bid you. I’d prefer to wrap this sale up and move on, sooner than later.

Of course, i am currently selling the rest of my assets and should be sending soon. I appreciate your patience

Still selling this very versatile young lady pending Zenith’s capital raising. Who’d like to make an offer?

(and boy was she versatile :blush: )

speaking of versatility…who’d like to make a counter offer?

a great little all-rounder!

Speaking of great, Kit is still up for sale. She may be feisty but she is a good all rounder. Just look at all those transferrable skills! Kit Allen Board - Quantum Anomaly

still selling Kit