WTS 8mil SP Gallente Combat Starter

8.05mil SP including 700k unallocated SP


Tech 2 Small Hybrid Turrets
+4 Implant Set (+3 social)
Basic Logi shield/armor skills

2 bonus remaps available

No kill rights
Positive Sec Status
Positive Wallet

Located in Empire Space (Few jumps from Jita will be in station for trade)

Starting bid 4bil

Bump !

Bump. Will accept first decent offer

3 Bil offer, isk in hand now and ready to purchase.

3.1B offer, isk ready and ready to transfer

3.4b isk ready to transfer

Anything under 4bil is not worth character transfer fee…

Bump !



Will sell for 3.8bil

3.5bil any good to you?

3.8 and it’s yours today

I’ll give you 3.8b

Sold. Transfer ISK and send through details I can do character transfer in a few hours

Sorry just seen this, sending isk now and eve-mailing account info

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