WTS 9.5m tengu pilot

WTS 9.5m tengu pilot + 56,997 Unallocated SP



  • Caldari Cruiser 5 (tengu)
  • HML 5
  • Good Shield and Engineering skills
  • Bonus Remaps 2
  • +3 set + missiles support clone

No kill rights
Positive wallet
Positive sec status
In NPC corp

Startbid : 9b

B/O : 10b

Daily Bump, Unallocated SP now is 56,997

Daily Bump, still available


Thank you for your interest, but 7b is quite below my expectations.

7.5b bid

9B offer

Thanks for bids. Leading bid is 9b. Going to keep auction running for now.

Still available, now 9.5m skill points

Daily bump, this toon is getting better and better everyday! buy today - don’t miss it out!

Daily bump

Daily bump, BO has been reduced to 10b

10B offer

Offer accepted! pls send ISKs and account name, so i can start transfer

check u r message

ISKs and account info received, starting transfer


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Michael Spirit

Will be completed after: 7/2/2019 12:41:54 AM

Thx :slight_smile:

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