WTS 9.9M SP Hunter/Dictor Pilot - SOLD

Hello, I am selling myself.

Born 2021.12.25
Total SP: 9,916,141
[No Unallocated SP]


Wallet is positive
No killrights
No jumpclones
In NPC Corp
Located in Duripant in Duripant VII - M6 Station

Access to T2 Cloak
Has Cyno V + able to use enforcer.
Can fly Flycatcher interdictor
Can fly buzzard

10b OBO


still for sale

5 billion

6 Bil

6.5b offer

7 Bil

Appreciate the bids - Looking for 8b to close out. If someone meets the 8b today, i can transfer asap.

i can give you 7.5 now but id be firm on that. valid for an hour

Yeah, ill take this offer. Send the isk and your account name

isk sent and mail with account sent

Confirmed I received the ISK.
Confirmed I received a mail with the account name.

Successfully started the transfer process
6/5/2023 3:59:39 PM UTC PayPal Transfer Character $20.00 Paid

You should have received an e-mail confirming character transfer on that accounts assigned email.
Appreciate your business. Let me know if there is any issues.

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