WTS 94 mill SP Character

Looking to sell myself


94,423,554 skill points
Positive Sec Status
Positive Isk Status
In Jita 4-4

Bids start at 73 bill
100 bill b/o


I doubt you can get 100b for her.

Thank you for the offer, it is still a little lower than I want to let her go at.

I can offer you 80b max, in two hours. I am in the road.

I am a reputable trader, serious offer.

84 billion

85b offered

86 bil

86 bill accepted please send isk and user name for transfer

Excellent :wink:

Edit: ISK and account info has been sent. Thanks Anna!!

Transfer has begun thank you and enjoy!

Hi, interested in purchase again this character before extracted.

I have a nice 50m for sell / trade, and around 43b in liquid. No problem in extract him or make a hybrid deal. Maybe we can make a deal. If interested answer any of the two threads.


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