66b for me
to the top
i am ok to paid 70b but just let me end hollidays because i am not on my house and cant paid now but in 2 days i paid you 70b fine?
retracted got a much better offer
75B OK?
what do you need know about the account? only name account or more?
tomorow i paid you it s my last holiday
offer accepted send isk and account info
ok,See you in the game
Please send ISK and account info (account name where the character needs to be send to)
I don’t use this account a lot so I’m almost never online with the character.
he have find account with 130 sp ^^
The paid isks and accounts have been sent in the game
you have buy this toon too? haha you take all toons
@CAT-TIT you sell one toon?
Thank you transfer has started
Transferring to S**44
Will be completed after 12/27/2022 3:24:31 PM
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