- Positive wallet
- Standings positive
- No kill rights
- Can fly ishtar pefect
- Can use T2 heavy drone
- Max Wasp damge 720DPS
Located in High Sec.
skillboard: mu tur9 Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)
start by 8B.
Located in High Sec.
skillboard: mu tur9 Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)
start by 8B.
daily up. Anyone want it?
accept your price. pls send isk and account name to this char
still for sale.
9 billions, i’ll take it
ok.send isk and account name pls.
Isk and account info sent from character “Agent IV”. please confirm you got it. and let me know when transfer started
OK, ISK reciver. Start transformer. Thank you
have you started the transfer process?
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