WTS all character

ISK Sent to owner of thread as per ingame conversation about Anne Bonys BO Also sent in previous mail account ID

I started character transfer Have you checked your ccp mail?

anne bonys sold out

Can offer
@Oxe8000015(nyx) 20B

You offered a good enough price. If you want to purchase, please send the buyer information via isk and ingame mail.

I sent 20B isk for purchasing character, 0xe8000015,
and in game mail as well-enveloped with my account information

isk send complete / character transfer begins.
Check the ccp mail

0xe8000015 sold out

Ailey snow sold out soon

We’ll send you account information and ISk in a little while.

I sent isk and information

ailey snow sold out

all sold out?

want to buy nisuwa jax master

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