WTS caiman bpc, thanatos bpo 8/14


Caiman BPC 63b
Thanatos BPO 8/14 3.75b

Jita 4-4.


Bump! Some of the BPOs sold. Most are still available

Would you be willing to do 2.8b for the Megathron BPO?

How much you asking for the Apoc bpo ? Post here or ingame mail is fine.
Edited to ask price for the porp bpo as well


Msgd both

Mega and rev bpo are gone

Moros, Lif, Ninazu gone

Bump! Still available

Is the cayman still available?

Hey there, not at the same pricepoint. But yes

What is your price rn ?

I can send it for 63

Bump, caiman bpc still available