WTS Capital Manufacturing Setup in Syndicate

I have been manufacturing capitals in the area and decided to put my focus else where. PM me for specific system there are 4 structures in system. I also have some extras i can throw in if you want. If not i’ll asset safety it out.

19b gets everything or just the structures for 15b

Evepraisal for extras

Evepraisal for structures + fits

2x Raitaru
1x Azbel
1x Athanor fittings are as follows.

Standup M-Set Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency II
Standup M-Set Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Time Efficiency II
Standup Manufacturing Plant I

Standup M-Set Blueprint Copy Accelerator I
Standup M-Set ME Research Accelerator I
Standup M-Set TE Research Accelerator I
Standup Hyasyoda Research Lab

Standup Ballistic Control System I
Standup Ballistic Control System I
Standup Target Painter I
Standup Target Painter I
Standup Stasis Webifier I
Standup Point Defense Battery I
Standup Anticapital Missile Launcher I
Standup Anticapital Missile Launcher I
Standup Guided Bomb Launcher I
Standup L-Set Capital Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I
Standup Cloning Center I
Standup Capital Shipyard I
Standup Heavy Guided Bomb x30
Standup Light Guided Bomb x69
Standup Super-heavy Torpedo x190
Standup XL Cruise Missile x300

Standup M-Set Asteroid Ore Grading Processor II
Standup Reprocessing Facility I

Contact me for the sale of this Capital manufacturing Setup

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