Up we go.
Can you give me a price for :
1x Capital Armor Plates
1x Capital Capacitor Battery
1x Capital Construction Parts
1x Capital Drone Bay (if you still have one)
1x Capital Power Generator
1x Capital Propulsion Engine
1x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
Hi, dont have drone bay
total is 11.3 but can do 10.5b
Ok for 10.5, you can make the contrat, i’ll accept it asap.
Set me up a contract for one of the cap construction parts please
Contract up.
Sorry for the delay.
Contract up.
Up we go
Can you contract Capital Armor Plates x1 to me please.
Contract up.
Up we go.
Up we go.
Up we go.
Me again o/,
Can you give me a price for the good customer I am for few more BPOs :
Capital Cargo Bay
Capital Computer System
Capital Corporate Hangar
Capital Jump Drive
Capital Sensor Cluster
Capital Shield Emitter
Hi, can do 9.8b
Perfect <3. You can make the contract.
Contract up,
Up we go.
Capital Sensor Cluster x1
Capital Shield Emitter x1
Capital Capacitor Battery x1
Capital Computer System x1
Capital Corporate Hangar Bay x1
8b ?
Can do 8.2b