WTS CCP Zelus, Swift and GM Banquet Corpse ( Sold with drama as a bonus )

This time no CCP Bee corpse but we have a special guest with us in the name of GM banquet

There is also a twist of the corpse be in the Amarr trade hub station instead of Jita, reason being that the jita undock kidnapp my pc and freeze my screen.

Edit: corpses have been moved to jita"

Buyout price is 2.5b for each corpse.

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If you’ll do 2b each contract all three to Golden CEO

Corpses have been moved to Jita

Be careful dealing with this person, contract was a scam

are actualy joking ?

oh it’s because i moved the corpse to jita so that i cut you off from that 1.5b of discount because you couldn’t be arse to move from amarr to jita but i did that instead of you ?

Get lost, i will get a new buyer from other source

In case someone decide to buy his lie, the screenshot show where the body are, after i moved them to jita from amarr.

Apparently, that’s enought to be call a scammer

I asked if you would accept 2b each rather than 2.5b since they weren’t in Jita.

You said you would move them, which was fine, I was more than happy to pay 2.5b each if they were moved to Jita.

I then accepted the contract you sent, which you labeled as “CCP Zelus, GM Banquiet, CCP Swift Corpses”, but you contracted your own corpses and some other random one…

Yes I’d say that’s a scam

Bro, that is not my game name

My name is: Tiger space Thedark

Not: Tigerspace The dark

You got scam by someone else entirely

Like, how blind can you possible be to NOT SEE THE DIFFERENT TYPO, JESUS

Ah seems that might be the case. Looks like someone created a character to impersonate you/scam me.

I’ll submit a support ticket as impersonation actually isn’t allowed in EvE. Apologies for the accusation

If the corpses are still available let me know, still interested in purchasing

Yes, they are still available and the contract is up and running

I will also file a support ticket

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Hey I see the contract but you’ve accidentally set it to 2.5b not 7.5b.

I don’t want to accept and take advantage of a mistake. When possible could we direct trade in Jita instead?

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Corpse have been sold

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You want to buy GM Sekizo’s Corpse?

You must be very desperate to impersonification someone, witch is not allowed by ccp rules

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