Chremoas and Caedes up for sale
Both in Jita
Chremoas min. 250B
Caedes - Sold -
so you dont need to offer lower prices
Chremoas and Caedes up for sale
Both in Jita
Chremoas min. 250B
Caedes - Sold -
so you dont need to offer lower prices
105 for Caedes
ill take the caedes please. contract to me
2 people same price, one of you need to pass or go higher otherwise i dont know to who i should contract it
24h from now on then highest bid on the caedes wins
215 for the chremoas
Check mail for caedes offer
220 Chremoas
106 for Caedes
340 for both
Snedige: sorry, no
Admiral: no
Market: mail checked and answered, your the highest bid
10 Min to go for the Caedes
Highest Bid: 107b
107.5 for Caedes to make the race official
225 for Chremoas
Caedes Sold Auction winner Marcus
250 bid chrem
255b chrem
you got any more Caedes for that price?
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