WTS Contract-only Items

Hey all,

Looking to clear out some stuff. This thread is your chance to pick up specific items piecemeal before I make a large scale auction for the rest.

The items can be found here. It is also posted as a public contract under this same toon (to view the abyssal mods).

There has already been some interest in the ship’s logs and in this package as a whole. Respond here and not in-game as I’m not fond of convo spam (and thus have convos turned off).


How much for all civilian stuff?

How much for Sweetleaves.
The Little Pirate That Could.
Divine Opium.
X-Rated Holoreel.
All the ship logs? Can you mail me a price ingame please.

Infact can you also mail me a price that you would like for everything in bulk.

Unfortunately I couldn’t make heads or tails of the proper value of these goods. Therefore I will let the market decide and have converted this sale to a two-week in-game Auction.

There are 100+ total logs and interested parties can look for Auctions by Issuer Mercury II Fulminate on the Contracts page.

Thank you for your interest!

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I’d be interested in the test bong if you’re willing to sell it separately

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