A hair over 5 mil skillpoints. Full set of plus fives including biology five for skill boosters. Ready to transfer with a card, I pay fees etc. Clean killboard.
Starting bod of 4 Bil
Buyout of 6 bil
Contact this char for information and inquiries
A hair over 5 mil skillpoints. Full set of plus fives including biology five for skill boosters. Ready to transfer with a card, I pay fees etc. Clean killboard.
Starting bod of 4 Bil
Buyout of 6 bil
Contact this char for information and inquiries
I am for sale
Also evemail on phone so evemail is easiest way to get ahold of me
5.5b b/o. ISK is ready to go if you accept.
Ill do 5.75b b/o if you accept i will be online in a few hours to send details
I will take that. Eve mail me info and send isk and I will get transfer going today. I will be at work but I cN remote in and do it. Just evemail me when everything is sent.
Eve mail has been sent to the character for sale as well as the isk has been sent as per accepted b/o awaiting confirmation.
Sorry just saw this… I ment mail me as i never login the toon lol just so i will notice but i am doing the transfer now
30 Aug 2018 23:45
Ok yeah i think ccp rules require the isk and mail to be sent to the character that is being sold
character transfered started just recieved the email, thank you!
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