WTS dedicated Hulk mining toon 41 787 305 SP

WTS dedicated Hulk mining toon, Oltered State. Great shield / armour and drone skills.

41 787 305 SP per SkillQ.net - Oltered State (INC: 1 165 296 unallocated skill points for that extra bit of fine tuning.)

Entire asteroid belts decimated with this space gal. Many billions made!

usual CCP rules are applicable - in an NPC corp currently sitting in D-W7F0 Delve.

positive isk balance. no kill rights.

Asking 40B

Can’t see the link? There’s nothing in it

link has been reposted…it was a browser problem.

any offers folks?

Oltered State Board - Quantum Anomaly for that extra viewing convenience

I can do 40B


Please ingame mail me with the receiving account name. I’ll begin the transfer once the funds are received.

I’ll be logging shortly (AU TZ here)… feel free to transfer the funds meanwhile and i’ll remedy the character transfer asap.

I have not received your mail, as yet. I presume you will email Oltered State in game during your time zone. I’ll wait for you 'till then.

Hello! Sorry for the late reply as ive been offline for a second. I can send this later this evening, thank you for your patience.

@Oltered_State The isk has been sent. I sent you a ingame mail with the account name.

transfer initiated… but I forgot to withdrawal the 40 billion. please message Aeon Tobot in game for instructions. Many thanks.

Not to worry, i can send it over to you no problem. Will post when isk has been transferred.

The character is received, transferring funds to “Aeon Tobot”.

Funds are transferred to @Aeon_Tobot