Stats better than meta 17 officer mods.
5,5 b for 750/44 [sold]
4 b for 650/44
W-634 DLA - 2 b
W-634 OTE - 5,5 b [sold]
W-634 FSU - 18,5b [sold]
Stats better than meta 17 officer mods.
5,5 b for 750/44 [sold]
4 b for 650/44
W-634 DLA - 2 b
W-634 OTE - 5,5 b [sold]
W-634 FSU - 18,5b [sold]
Good for supers
1B each.
Thx for reply. Already have 2b offer for first one, but want more (;
To the top. Some of the best neuts for sale atm.
Still waiting fair price for this nice neuts
Buy christmas gift for your super
Prices updated
Best neuts still for sale
Just write your offer here, np.
sorry making a few changes first, will make an offer later if they’re still available
Sure, no rush.
top kek epic range
Neut like a t2 Chelm )
Actual, dont want trade it via hn.
top kek ultimate range
For sale. Mail me.
not so expensive for god roll optimal neuts
Actual 07