Selling Erebus class Titan
Fully fitted A type modules tons of ammo and all possible reforms for 64B OBO. PM me.
Pm me an evepraisal link with the fit/refits etc in it please.
hi, i am on my phone and cant figure out how to send a message, can i buy your character? You can also extract all the skills if you want to.
Hey i can do so in a few days. Out of town at the moment.
Not for sale.
Sure just pm me in game.
Is this Erebus still for sale?
Yes it is for sale. 65B OBO. purchased for 70B so I’m taking a hit for convinence sake.
Take it off your hands for 62b, sorry for the loss on your purchase. Buying at mineral price + rigs. Not in a hurry as well, if you don’t find a buyer, do contract it over and message me. Thanks o/
62B is low ball. It has 10b extra of modules reforms and Sub capital guns ECT on it.
Bump. Still for sale.
Check evemail
Already sold
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