WTS Exhumer mercoxit miner (10.7m with extra skills)

Greetings capsuleers,

I am selling two mercoxit pilots (can use t2 crystals for mercoxit in a t2 exhumer) with some extra skills. Has some sabre and svipul skills as well as mining:

LemonMuffin(10.7m sp): https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/LemonMuffin
Npc Corp, No jump clones, 1m isk wallet, positive security status, located in highsec.

SOLD* EnglishMuffin(8.4m sp): https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/EnglishMuffin
Npc Corp, No jump clones, 1m isk wallet, positive security status, located in highsec.

Both characters are in NPC corps even if not updated yet by the ESI

Any questions feel free to ask, thanks.

The seller (me) is fully willing to accept and abide by CCP’s character transfer policies regarding paying the transfer fee and all associated acts stated under the character transfer policies.


Confirming I am for sale

More muffins :slight_smile: In total for both i would like to offeryou 10.5B

Confirming I am for sale

Too low for me, but I appreciate the offer. Thanks.

6b for EnglishMuffin

Thanks for your offer! Would you do 7.5? I was looking for a little bit more for the char.

Ill go 7b.

Meet me in the middle at 7.25? I can initiate transfer tonight.


Thanks! I accept your offer.

5b for English, online atm

7.25b agreed. Isk and account info sent in game.

Isk has been received and character transfer is initiated. Thanks! Please post when you get the character.

Bump, still for sale!


7.25 for LemonMuffin - is it still available?

Yes it is, can you do 8?

I can do that. Please PM me to discuss details.

Please send account you want the toon transferred to to lemonmuffin, I sent you an in-game email.