WTS Focused HEL Pilot 46m SP taking offers

Looking to sell myself if i see an offer i like i am a 95% Maxed HEL Pilot.


Positive wallet
Positive sec
Will be in Jita in NPC corp for transfer
Yearly remap in 1 month + 1 bonus remap
250k unalocated SP

HEL Headhunter Skin https://evepraisal.com/a/lmqfv

HG Ascendacy Set https://evepraisal.com/a/lmpnl
Genolution Set https://evepraisal.com/a/lmppe
All implants sets will be in low sec NPC for transfer

Maxed Fighter Skills
Maxed Passive Tank
Maxed DPS
Maxed Navigation
Caldari/Amarr carrier also injected

to the top


i hoped for a bit more than that in all honesty but its a start i guess. thanks for offer

45b b/o

Check your ingame mail, ive messaged you from my main.

still for sale

43b is my offer isk ready

Looking for 50b.

still available

@Stefy_voltere Is this chaaracter still for sale?

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