WTS Titans and Vendetta



Can be delivered to Forge or Lonetrek.
B/O : 670 B
Looking for offers

Vendetta in Obe
B/O : 230 B

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In MJ Keepstar

Avatar w/T2 Trimarks in Amammake Keepstar

Loggerhead in Placid NPC for 65

Reply here and send me in-game mail to know more.

how much for the azariel?

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I have sold an Azariel for 725 B two months ago. I’m aware prices have gone down, so looking for offers above 600 B atm as a starting price.
Undecided on buyout.

Ok 550 is max for me ill can build for ca 500. We can do 54 on caiman

Understood. I’m not selling below 600 for the time being. That’s my reserve price.

As for the Caiman, sorry, I’m not interested anymore. I wanted to use it for krabbing but after messing with the fit, realized that a normal carrier does better than Caiman without siege. Need CCP to change some traits before I use that highly nerfed ship.

Vendetta almost ready.

Both Azariel and Vendetta ready to be delivered. Send in-game mail for exchange.

Bump. Still available.


Still for sale. Lowest in the market. Price is negotiable.


Still selling
Have 210 B offer for Vendetta and 590 for Azariel. Looking for a bit more.

Still selling

Azariel sold.
Vendetta still available.

Vendetta available for 225. Low price. Get this limited time offer.

Bump. Vendetta still for sale.

210 billion

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Mail sent @PixyWarrior_Ellecon

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In MJ Keepstar

Giving a free bump as I had to let the transaction for the detta fall thru

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