WTS Frighter Girl / Zero Standing / Zero Sec-Status


i want to sell my unused Frighter-Girl,
never flight a mission or something
can go anywhere.


SP: 14,381,396
Yearly Remap: 1
Bonus Remaps 2
Security Status 0.00

Positive wallet balance
No kill rights
Located in Nakri
Jump clones: 0

Fast sale at real price welcome


I’d do 7

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Ill do 6.5b. Ready now


anyone 7.5 and it’s yours.

6.5b. I would go higher but it doesnt have cyber 5.

Offer accepted, I’ll do 7.5B. Please confirm and I’ll send isk.

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Ok, deal, Char is online.

Isk and account name sent

Hi, chartrans is running, thx.

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