WTS - Gallente Citizen 91471332 - 2011 Character


Birthday: 12/2011 ; Renamed by CCP
Located in Couster
Clean Corp History
Clean Zkill
2.65m SP
No Killrights
No bounty
Positive Wallet
Clean Sec Status


3,0 B

4 bil

Would like 5 out of this one, if possible. Got 4 for one with 54k sp. This one has Yearly Remap available, +1 bonus. 2,786,086sp. Lets give it 12 hours or so.

Looking for 4.5b, anyone? Bueller?

@Avallah, your 4b is winner. You still down?

Sorry but I will pass on that one. I found pilot with 3 remaps.




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