WTS Great Alt character, industry, Scanner, JF, Miner, Orca Rorqual

Selling Myself.
Has been an alt forever.
Is almost perfect orca, exhumer, and can get into a rorqual.(its been a while since he’s learned. 80 days away from properly flying it)
Great implants across three clones.
Capable of flying two Jump Freighters (JDC 5)


Wallet and assets will be cleared.

I will extract the character if I don’t good offers

38b offer

Thanks for the offer!
Want to give the character a day or two, (depending on activity)
If 38b is the highest offer I’ll sell it to you

Thanks again

38b still best offer!
I’m going to let the auction go today. If 38 is still the high I’ll sell it,

38 billion offer acceted will send message in game tonight. Send isk and account info to this character please.

Transfer initiated waiting on ccp

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