WTS Great Market Trader 5.4m SP

Cybernetics V
Remapped for Charisma/Willpower along with skills required for training/extracting.

1 Remap Available.
+5’s in Charisma/Willpower

26,360 SP to allocate.

Positive isk and sec status.


Fixed Buyout 4b

I’m all the way up

i will buy for 3 - 3.5. if interested send me an ingame mail to “faraz gaterau”.

Bump. Buyout lowered.

Needs to go in <7 days


3.5b b/o is my offer

Character still for sale

daily bump

daily bump for a SP farmer and a great market trading alt

4bill :slight_smile:

4b b/o accepted. awaiting isk and details for transfer

Lack of response from bidder. Character still for sale

4b b/o

@Pia_Sweet Accepted, awaiting isk and details for transfer

Buyer has once again not replied. Character still for sale.

back up again

3 billion


buyer not responding

4 billion