WTS Great Science/Mining and Perfect JF pilot(near mastery 5)

48m skillpoint character, Science, mining and nearly mastery 5 in Jump Freighters

Science Oriented Character (18m Skillpoints in science)

  • All races starship engineering 5
  • Research & Lab ops 5
  • Science power-house!

Positive Wallet
No kill rights
In Jita4-4
In NPC Corp
2 Bonus Remaps Available
Can use Freighter (Providence)
Can use Jump Freighter (Ark)

  • 57 days from perfect Jump Freighter (Mastery 5)
  • Amarr Freighter 5
  • JDC 5
  • Few hours from Jump Freighter 5 at the time of this post

Can use Hulk Mackinaw Skiff

  • Exhumers 5!

Link to her skillboard:

45B buyout!
Thanks for reading


lowered starting bid to something a bit more reasonable after price checking others

Daily bump!

Price lowered


Jump Freighters 5 now complete! Other than Jump Fuel Conservation 5, and a few short level 5s (shield operation 5, shield management 5) she is VERY close to JF mastery 5 for Ark. The PERFECT jump freighter pilot.


Thread will automatically re-open in 24 hours.

This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.

40 B offer

1 Like

Thank you! Don’t plan on keeping this auction up for long. Unless we see some more bids I’ll close soonish.

Also, bump! Can anyone get closer to that 45B buyout?

41 ill need a few mins to sell some stuff though.

45 B b/o

1 Like

Buyout accepted. Sold. Send isk and account information and I’ll start the transfer immediately

isk transferred.

Isk received. But please eve mail me the account name you’d like the character transfered too… and ill start the transfer ASAP.

account sent through email. thought I left a note on the isk transfer.

eve mail received with account info, starting transfer late tonight when I get home (sorry). But will start it as soon as I walk in the door

no problem, take your time!