I have the following skins in Jita available for purchase:
-Avatar Crimson Harvest YC118 - 30B
Jita sell is currently 34B with the last purchase price of 34B
-Hel Firewall Breach - 5.9B
Jita sell is currently 6.4B
-Naglfar Firewall Breach - 6.8B (SOLD)
Jita sell is currently 7.5B
-Leviathan Blue Tiger - 2.2B
Jita sell is currently 2.7B
-Hel Blue Tiger - 900M
Jita sell is currently 988M
-Hel Sebiestor - 700M
Jita sell 735M
-Nyx Serpentis - 800M
Jita sell is currently 900M
2x Machariel Guardians Gala YC119 - 175M
Jita sell is currently 200M
Post here or shoot me a mail.