WTS Keepstar Bundle

I am regretfully posting this as the logistics of a pipedream were becoming harder and harder, although it did fufil its purpose of brining more content to Black Rise.

https://evepraisal.com/a/ocmb4 - 38 bil
https://evepraisal.com/a/ocmat - 6 bil
https://evepraisal.com/a/ocmaq - 3 bil

Keepstar - 180 bil

Obelisk with 3 t2 istabs and 3 cargo expanders is included for free

Would prefer to sell them all at once, and they are all in the same high sec :slight_smile:

please contact me if you are interested



I’ll take it.
Full bundle.

contract to me.

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thank you, ill contract it to you as soon as i can get online :slight_smile:

contract is up :slight_smile: sorry about the wait

Thank you.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: pleasure doing business

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