WTS Max Caldari JF Pilot with Indy and Great Trade Skills

Awesome JF and trade skills. Has max jobs in industry with some other misc skills. Great pilot.


pos sec stat
Positive Wallet
npc corp (skillboard might not be updated yet, but she’s in a NPC corp)
Yearly Remap: 1
Bonus Remaps: 3
No kill rights
Located in High-Sec

Sending this up. Still for sale. Looking for some decent offers. Max JF pilot with other awesome skills.

14.5B B/O

Up for this 3rd day of November. Looking for a bit more than extracted profits for this one. Thanks though Maddy.

Kad Abra, responding to your in-game EVE mail to me, agree to BO for 18bil.

At work so will check for your confirmation later and then transfer ISK and mail account details o/

Looks good to me. Just mail me the account name and send the isk.

15b off

18bil ISK sent to Kad Abra and EVEmail with account name.

Confirmed, I’m going to start the transfer now.

Transfer started. Thanks very much! :slight_smile:

Thank you.

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