Nemo Audeles - main character. missles weapon, Tengu and mining barges+crystals
Pineapple Fox - Porpois, Orca, t2 minings links, Charon
others - mining characters (mining barges, t2 crystalks)
all mining characters already can fly Hulk’s, or need 1 hour for it, except Konfetka Gorjkaya.
All characters located in Jita 4-4 in NPC Corporations.
Positive wallet.
No jumpclones.
No killrights.
Starting bid: 65Bil ISK
B/O: 82B ISK
Links to characters skills:
Nemo Audeles - 16 B
Pineapple Fox - 4 B
Svyataya Grewnica - 3 B
The H0ly Sinner - 2.5 B
Kin Erquilenne - 4 B
Igolo4ka Puwistaja - 3 B
Kika Ichosira - 1.5 B
Bistraya Cherepawka - 1.5 B
Neznaya Grubiyanka - 1.5 B
Konfetka Gorjkaya - 0.5 B
Total 37.5 B?
Wtf, market is so down. Someone crashing the LSI market if this is the extraction value of all your toons.
I’ll offer you 50 B for all.
no one is going to buy full pack
i offer 18b for nemo.
I can buy full pack and take all characters at once. If you need to talk to me/negotiate, send me a mail.
wanna buy full pack 55bil
sorry… looking minimum for 65bil… but thx for offer