WTS Minnie Pirate

Able to fly Machariel (Incursions etc)
Able to fly Svipul (Both arty and autocannon)
Able to fly Loki (Also able to use t1 links)
Able to fly Minny HAC
Able to fly a command ship (SLEIPNIRAttention)
Able to use T2 guns

Located in Osmon
Sec status: -1.2
No killright on him
Positive wallet



PM me ingame please

Yes! PM me

Start a convo


16 bil


17 bil


Bid accepted, contact me ingame

Please post on the forum and I will pay 18b
ID Isaac Ymir

Auction ended . Char sold to LOVE ZHIYAN

I have put the isk in Isaac Ymir

Send me the account name mate


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