WTS Mods Prices Adjusted

He doesn’t even want to pay for my lovely Chremoas :rofl:

Ima stingy german. 10b per membrane makes me sad

Na dann sollten wir mal… verhandlungen anfangen wenn du wirklich interesse an der Chremoas hast :slight_smile:

Immer gern

buy my ■■■■

Bum V. 2.220


Dingo dollars

Membranes still 10b per? :thinking:

Not sure the explosive one is like gold

Can trade 1:1 for cormacks

Whyd I’d do that when everything else is dracs lol

To complete my drac set :hugs:

You can have them for your cormacks ones plus 10 bil or 30 for the two

Lol wat. Just let me know when price drops


Price out one ab and the cloak for an old friend.

It’ll warm your heart I’ve no doubt.

10 bil

I suspect there may be a reason you’re having such a hard time selling this stuff.

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Probably because I’m not willing to give it away