WTS Mods Prices Adjusted

Tobi point AB x 2 and 1 Web sold!


buy my junk please

Nice membranes

I can cut you a deal on all the lowslots if you ws t them

Since u won that fancy bpo u can prob drop the prices :hugs:

Something like that 200 bil for the lows

bump some stuff gone



I want to buy all

Draclira’s Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane - x3 48 bil each
Cormacks Damage Control - 48bil
Sorry, all of those

OK will contract them soon

And could I pay for that using plex, 61600

And I will buy purchase and prepare for accepting as soon as possible

Isk only contract will be up in 2 hours I’m out the house right now

okay, but I need time to prepare

Contract up for 3 days

bump some ■■■■ left

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