WTS Molok

Still for sale

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If its too expensive, build your own.

no…my bid is 303b for this

Bump again!

Bump again

In light of it’s non-uniqueness, i’m lowering my bid to 350 bill.

It wasn’t https://zkillboard.com/kill/63539128/ Mister Hemmingway also has Molok .Maybe right now 5~10 Moloks exist

Oy then what is this madness about 600 bill or even 450 bill. It’s already going down the path of the Vanquisher. Thanks for making this post Draclira. What you did was show anybody who has a Molok that Eve’s wealthy aren’t going to entertain stupid prices on the Molok.

Okay, I have just finished removing several posts that were off topic.

Welcome to Sales Ads
9. This forum is for selling items. You may reply to the threads with bids or questions regarding the item. All other posts are off topic and will be removed.

I will be monitoring this thread. Please stay on topic.

up again

and again

400 liquid. The most recent Molok sold in Goons for 300 fully built. 100 bil over Goons internal price sounds more than fair since it’s price has dropped significantly.

Why not buy one from the goons?

Goons sell internally.

It’s not up to the average Goon pubbie but the leadership to sell outside if they want. Point being is no one here is going to pay what VP is asking which is his own fault for paying 500 bil for the BPC alone.

To the top again

and again

offering 400b B/O.



up again