WTS Near Perfect Moros Pilot

[quote=“Wang_Colonel, post:20, topic:78548, full:true”]
40.5B, Just see “I pay the transfer fee” , for this I add 2B for this gril.
[/quote]Are you kidding? Man, she’s talking about the rules of the trade, and if you make a hostile offer you’ll cancel the deal

Oh,I am sorry,this is the frist time for me to buy a pilot. If my reply break the rule,I apologize for my word.

40.5B,no reason ,just like this pilot.


42B,this is my last bid,who take the gril go if give more.


Accepted. Please send account info and isk.

isk and id info all send

any update?

sry i not receive transfer notification mail.Please check the transfer as soon as possible

GM replied to petition, character transfer should be in progress.

ok.but I still haven’t received the transfer mail

It’s done .thx

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