WTS Nyx Pilot 31mil skill points

Selling this Nyx pilot. Pretty well trained to jump right into a Nyx. Also comes with a set of +5 implants (except for Charisma) as well as a JC with a full set of +4s. Character is very old but still has a clean history. Also has remap available along with a bonus remap available if you want to change attributes!

Carrier V
Fighters V
Many other relevant support skills at V

Basic rules/disclosures:
Positive wallet
No kill rights
Character and JC located in HS

Looking start things at 32B, open to buyout offers!


32bil offered

Thank you for the offer! I’m hoping to get a bit more though, so I’m gonna leave it open for a couple days and see how things go first.

33bil offered



35.5b valid 24 hour


I’ll accept 36bil isk. If you want to send the isk over, I can start the transfer in a couple of hours after I get home from work in a couple of hours.

ok,I will send the isk as soon as I get home.

36B ISK sent to : Lt_Lucky,my account name :gyvip0010

Isk received. Transfer to the account you provided has been initiated. Thanks!

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