WTS Nyx pilot > Level 4 Nyx Mastery already

WTS Nyx pilot.

  • Wallet Balance positive
  • No active kill rights
  • Clean history.
  • Standard implant set
  • Nyx level 4 Mastery complete; currently training skills for mastery Level 5.
  • 25m skill points

Starting bid @29Bill
highest bid for 48 hours winner.


20b offer.

23b offer.

24b offer

Offer retracted.

24b offer and really like this character

So whats up? My bid was for 48h and then a newly created forum warrior joined and made a bid. (To bump up the price)

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25b offer

26b offer

@Yasui_baishunpu Are you still selling? Responses needed

Hi @VincentPro @Dunga_Tivianne

Yes still checking…
However auction rules were:

Starting bid @29Bill
highest bid for 48 hours winner.

This has yet to be reached.
Currently reviewing 1once per day.


27b offer.
26b should be reasonable and I’m willing to pay extra more because I need such a character. You can consider my offer if you are still selling, thank you! :two_hearts:

OK @VincentPro
offer accepted … 27 Bill
Ping this thread when you have deposited and ingame email the account yname you wish me to transfer too. Ill then initiate the transfer.


Thank you, I’ve deposited 27b into your account & email you, please check.

The name of the account I used to receive the character is: VincentNyx.

There are two empty characters under the account that can receive character transfers.

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Hi @VincentPro

Have initiated the transfer:

Timestamp is AEST.

Thanks for the purchase… hope it serves you well.

Character received. Thank you!