WTS Nyx siter / starter 14,28m SP

WTS Nyx siter / starter

pass: pewpew

14,28m SP
Unallocated SP: 424,750 (all those point will cover Nyx skill required)
NPC corp
Two remaps in total
All super carrier skills injected
No kill right
Pos. wallet balance
PLEX transfer
Auction end at 12.11.2019 17:00 EVE time

offer 16 bil isk ready to transfer.

Thanks for offer.
Post updated - all required skills injected. Amount of unallocated SP will cover all Nyx required skills.
Account have 11 subcaps skins.

Good pilot to move fesh build supers or great base to start full super training.

24 hours to end

@ottomans_proud offer accepted. Please send ISK and account name for transfer.

will do when i am at home tonight . eve time will be about 15:00 - 16:00 .

No problem
Please post here when it will be done, it’s not my main character and don’t check that account regularly

have senmd the isk and account details to this character. waiting for character transfer

ISK and account details received

Made Support Request #998047 for character transfer.
Thanks for deal and have fun

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