WTS or Trade 63m SP

What is the situation? And I am an Omega account

Old characters didn’t have restrictions/requirements for higher skills.
It was probably introduced later.
One of my characters also has skill points on a skill more than it could contain like having 1 million SP on a 512,000 SP limit.

First of all, thank you for your answer
What should I do? I have met my skills, but I cannot use the ship

Which ship? Crucifier Navy Issue?
Pretty sure you should be able to able to use Crucifier Navy Issue unless you’re trying to ride a Amarr Battleship in which case, you need to train Amarr Battlecruiser Skill to Level 3

Crucifier Navy is just an example, I cannot use the vast majority of ships, including the Crucifier Navy

And the current situation is that I cannot start training skills. He said I am an Alpha account, but I can be certain that I am Omega

Then try to wait until downtime.
Sometimes, after character transfer, Omega status doesn’t sync properly.
If the problem persists, make a support ticket.

I will try this, thank you for your answer

Mlmctyjjkk because of that j…@s that is accusing me for scam and lies, please provide feedback once the transfer is complete.

Thank you.

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