WTS Orca Pilot 10.5m SP

197k SP unallocated

Industrial Command Ships 4
Mining Director 5
Shield Command Specialist 4
Jump Drive Operation 5(16 days from sitting in a Rorq)
Advanced Spaceship Command 4(6d7h from 5)

Neural remap available, 2 bonus remaps available. Positive sec status, positive wallet, no killrights.

B/O: 8b or best offer

to the top


6bil .

accepted, pls send isk and account name to this toon

isk and mail sent

ISK and account name received, transfer initiated.

Character Transfer Initiated

Dear xxxxxxxxx,

You have chosen to transfer the character DerpDerpDerpDerpDerpDerp DerpDerpDerp to the account named xxxxxxx.

Character received, thanks

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