WTS Perfect Alpha small-scale PVP minmatar pilot

I was finished my project and want to sell my favourite PVP-pilot
He is perfect for PVP or PVE as Alpha pilot and you will no need ratting for skills
Just fun and kills!!!

  • 7.2 mln SP
  • perfect armour, shield, electronics, gunnery, missiles, ships and scan available for Aplha
  • 50 ship skins permanent
  • no killboard history

Looking for offers here or in-game mail

link doesnt work?

Thread reopened.

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Thank you for checking the thread
SO I’m again on top so feel free to make offers and write in game

Up to the top

7b offer

Thank you for the offer
Honestly I planned to get 11-12b for my pilot as the cost of the transfer will be quite high for me
If you could add some ISKs we could make a deal
The pilot is really worth the money

Nice toon, friendly bump or 8b offer

That’s about my offer?