WTS Perfect rorq pilot 25.5kk sp (SOLD OUT)

Located in high sec, NPC corp
Isk positive
2 remaps
25 489 218 SP
200k unallotted
perfect rorq pilot: T2 industrial core, 5lvl Jump Drive Calibration, 5lvl Capital Industrial Ships, harvest drones and others.
Start Bid : 26bn
B/O: 32bn


offering 26b

27B offer

30b offering

31B offering

32B B/O


The offer will be closed after 15-00 ET.

i am chinese ,and whats your time now?how long from 15-00ET?

10-30 ET now.
ET = eve time ))

33B offer B/O


Scorpion Dragon won. Waiting for isks and account.

wait for few minutes

ISK has and account info has sent.

Character was transfered.

ty,i will reply here when done!

email got. wating for it! 0/!

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