WTS Perfect Rorqual Pilot 25m sp

Password: 1234

I’m selling this Perfect Rorqual pilot. i injected him myself just a couple months ago. I’m unable to play right now, my loss is your gain!! ALL CCP RULES APPLY.

He has a set of implants with Mining Foreman Mind Link. (Yes he’s got perfect buffs for miners).
He has T2 Core
He has the ability to fly interceptors
He has the ability to fly a VNI pretty well if you get sick of rolling in isk via mining.
He has JDC4
He is located in Jita.

BUYOUT is hidden
BID starts at 23million

23million isk bid

23 noted thanks for the opener.

4b isk bid

5b isk

6b isk

10b i

11b …

12b isk bid



24 bil

25bil, offer good for 6 hours

25.5 bil

25.5bn is the highest bid i’m going to give it a little more time.

If you’re still interested let me know. 25.5bn is the highest bid.

This character is no longer forsale. buyout price was reached.


26 bil
