WTS Phoenix alt 17.5m SP and 11.46m Logi loki alt

Good morning I would like to sell a spare phoenix alt, the toon includes a HG Nirvanna set w/o omega. This toon has 17.5m SP and is currently located in a LS island NPC station. Toon just left corp so it’ll take a bit for skillboard to reflect that. This is essentially a fresh toon, positive wallet, 0.0 Sec status and located in Leran


I would also like to sell a Logi Loki alt that has 11.464m SP Fresh toon as well, 0.0 Sec status, positive wallet located in Kenninck.


Confirming I am for sale.

confirming I am for sale

When you add informations about both Character Locations, Sec Status and Wallet Balance (positive or negative) your post would be perfect :wink:


1 Like

10 bil for both

Thanks for the bump!

10b for the Phoenix pilot


6b for the loki pilot

19B for the Phoenix pilot

Is the Phoenix pilot still for sell? If so, 15B offer for it.

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