WTS> Pilots 33.2m and 63.3m SP - SOLD


Confirming I am for sale

Confirming I am for sale

Confirming I am for sale

@Race_Leader 5B offer for “Feed”, isk ready to send

@Alice_Tawate Send Isk and account info to Feed, and I will transfer pilot asap.

@Race_Leader ISK & info has been send to “Feed”, please start transfer asap
Thank you and fly safe
and yes i can confirm Alice Kiwi is my alt. in case you worry about that

@Alice_Tawate Character Transferred, check email for notification, :slight_smile:

Screenshot of Transfer

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14B offer for Aureole Omega

No Thank You, Extract value alone will get me 18B.

Confirm char “Feed” received. Thank you and fly safe o7

Bump of the week

Aureole Omega 21B
Thea Kou 42B


Send Isk and account info to the respective characters/pilots, and I will initiate the transfer ASAP

ISK + account info sent to both characters.

Ok give me a few minutes to organize some stuff, and I will initiate transfer ASAP

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