WTS PVP character + titan pilot + SC/dread character

60b/o offer for Nookie, will withdraw offer if i find another toon before you respond. Good Luck!

65b b/o for Nookie

Nookie 66b b/o

67b b/o Nookie :smile:

In Game offer accepted for 67b isk, waiting for confirmation and i will send the isk and info your way :slight_smile:

68b b/o Nookie

my offer was already accepted in game but i will do 70b/o final offer for Nookie lets do this.

Accepted, waiting for information and isks

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ISK and account info sent via Mail, awaiting transfer of character too SpartanCode, i will verify once it is complete.

Still awaiting transfer on your end. “hey wake up” :slight_smile:

hey its been well over 24 hours now?, isk has been sent and still have not begun transfer of character.

I paid for both Nookie Ghekon and HeBuDuMkA a week ago and haven’t received either character or a refund.

I just opened a ticket with CCP. I recommend anyone else being scammed by this dude does the same!

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Me aswell, I have been waiting 3 days this guy is clearly scamming.

Sale Frozen till resolved.

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