WTS Reprocessing pilot 26,9 mil SP

Selling this character with 26,9 mil SP. Used to be a logi pilot and turned it into a good starter industry pilot with descent reprocessing skills.

Comes with +3 clone set with a +4 reprocessing. The character has moon mining repro learned, eveboard doesnt show it.

Screenshot moonskills: https://clip2net.com/s/3SjNGlg

PW: 5522

Looking for 26 bil, let’s see what offers I get.

Positive wallet
No killrights
No jumpclones
Location: Sakht


Thank you for your offer, I am looking for some more though.

I’ll bump it up to 20.5b

I’ll do 23 for you.

Can you make a board on https://eveskillboard.com/ it will show all the skills that eveboard doesn’t

Sure thing,

pw: 5522
Still no moon skills on that website though, screenshot in original post. I can make a bigger one that shows the character name if you wish.

http://prntscr.com/iljt00 I see moon skills :slight_smile:

I should probably alphabetize them, but thats another discussion

You are absolutely correct, and I am blind as a bat. Thanks!

I’ll give you 23 for him

I will accept your offer. Once the isk is received I will start the transfer.

ISK and account name received, transfer will commence in a few minutes.

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Transfer started, enjoy the new character!

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