WTS Rider Thomson 109m SP

Sec Status is 4.8
NPC Corp
Docked Jita NPC 4-4
No kill rights

JF/Carrier/Drones/Scanning/TC3 Proteus Great for a main toon.
Offer away, do not post anything other than response offers or not interested, do not spam my post responding to other peoples offers unless it is a higher offer than the standing offer.

80 bil

Pending sale/ higher offer

80b auction beginning if not raised until Connorr is available, toon will be sold.

Still awaiting Response from buyer, if other 80b or + offer comes sooner will sell

You talking about me? I made the 80 B offer first. Will buy if you’re selling to me.

Based on our previous discussions I will counter with 81b for you Riperd :stuck_out_tongue:

Fine, let’s do it for 81 B

Send isk and account detail

Awaiting ISK transfer from Riperd Jacks and account name to transfer character to

ISK and account details sent

r.i.p rider thomson to the skill drill

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