WTS Rorq Pilot, Max Yield Skilled

I am selling myself


Jump Cal 5
All ore yield increasing skills to 5

Increase your rorq fleet today!

30 bil Or Best Offer

I pay transfer, positive wallet, in npc corp, in high sec station, yada yada

Sale is not final until I a have accepted an offer and isk is sent. Thank you

(Edited to 30 bil buyout), will accept the current bid of 28 bil if no other people out bid it for 48 hours


26b isk ready


28b last offer from me

Mikeli Soth6h
28b last offer from me

A fair price, I will accept this as my min and change the buyout to 30 bil

If nobody else bids you up in 48 hours its yours

28.5 bil

29b right now isk ready

30 bil B\O


30 bil B\O

Offer accepted, transfer isk and I will transfer character today.

isk and account info send in mail box

isk received, starting character transfer now

Another player is transferring the character Trillio to your account.

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